We look inside Daniëlle, she has been living with her husband and their three daughters for thirteen years in this corner house in Elst.

We are very hospitably received by Danielle in her attractive home. The stove is on and there are fresh cakes in the oven. Daniëlle talks enthusiastically about the house: “In the thirteen years that we have lived here, a lot has happened to and in the house. Slowly more and more has changed to the rural, sober style that I like so much. The newest item in the house is our beautiful corner sofa from Room108!”

“We invented, made and did a lot in-house ourselves,” says Daniëlle enthusiastically. “Among other things, the lamps were made by my husband himself from old boilers.” How cool if you are so handy! “I also do a lot myself, walls regularly get a different color and I especially like to change the girls' rooms and make them cozy. I also have my own company where I make items for children, nice cushions for example or beautiful storage bins for toys,” says Daniëlle. All creativity in this rural house! Danielle also shares aesthetic pictures Instagram. “Inspiration often comes from myself and especially from Instagram, I like to follow interior design accounts. That's how I got it @charisathome We saw her Room108 sofa and that is why we went to look at Room108 ourselves, because we thought it looked so beautiful!” And of course we understand that. 😉
Daniëlle tells more about the purchase of the sofa: “So we had gained inspiration from Charis's Instagram account, then we visited Room108 Veenendaal. We really wanted to buy a beautiful and timeless new sofa this time. In the showroom we saw the corner sofa Annabelle Square stand, we went for this model in a slightly different arrangement that fits perfectly in the living room.” It is clear that the Annabelle corner sofa fits perfectly with the wishes and the interior, Annabelle is very versatile and therefore fits into almost every home and style. “We were looking for one fabric which is not too dark and not too light, our choice fell on the Mine in Khaki 51. Always exciting how the fabric will turn out on an entire sofa, but we are very happy with it!”, says Daniëlle. We totally agree with her, it's a 'match made in heaven'.
Do you also have a Room108 sofa at home and would you like to participate in our inside peek section as well? Then check out our giveaway.